=== Demo Importer Plus === Contributors: kraftplugins Donate link: https://kraftplugins.com/ Tags: elementor, one click demo import, templates, themes, import Requires at least: 5.1 Tested up to: 6.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.1.8 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Import the demo content, widgets, customizer settings and theme settings with a single click without any hassle. == Description == Demo Importer Plus is one of the best and powerful demo importer plugin. It allows to easily import the demo content, widgets, customizer settings along with theme settings with a single click. In addition to this, you can also import a single page template on your existing website. You can import the starter sites via Appearance > Demo Importer Plus. == Changelog == == 1.1.8 == * Fix: Multiple same requests while fetching and listing demo sites. == 1.1.7 == * Minor Bug Fixes == 1.1.6 == * Fix: Duplicate Post Meta issue * Minor Bug Fixes == 1.1.5 == * Compatibility: WP Travel Engine compatible while doing full site import * Fix: Posts Category is not importing * Enhancement: Parent terms mapping for taxonomy terms * Fix: Missing Widgets on footer sidebars * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.1.4 == * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.1.3 == * New API Enhancements. * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.1.2 == * New API Enhancements. * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.1.1 == * New Feature: Infinite Scroll for Demo Sites added. * New API Enhancements. * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.1.0 == * New Feature: Added Compatibility keys for PostsX Plugin Blocks and Widgets. * New Feature: Added Onepage demo import support. * Fixes: Fixed layout issue for demo importer screen. * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.9 == * Added filter to allow icons import for Elementor. * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.8 == * WordPress version 5.9 update compatibility. * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.7 == * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.6 == * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.5 == * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.4 == * Minor Bug Fixes. * API Updated for demo importer default website. == 1.0.3 == * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.2 == * Minor Bug Fixes. * Compatibility update for new themes added. == 1.0.2 == * Minor Bug Fixes. == 1.0.1 == * Filter added for dynamic API URL support on themes. * Minor Bug Fixes. = 1.0.0 = * Initial release.